
The whispering starlight
betrays knobs angled round,
bonewhite, paired
with, a borrowed pen.

Whispers heard,
shadows seen
never but deep within
shady death’s

These itch and etch
at life living
in the breathing
whispers of annals
shelved once and only then.

I hear, dear, I hear
your wavering substance
scratching the script
of influence, entangled
with me, the universe.

Words live beyond the page.

Flickering pale
in eyes adjusted
with the twilight
that squint against
life living loud.

You are bright waves
tying the essence of me
in intractable knots
of interdependence
rooted in you.

Life sharing life.
Form form.  Light light.
Your story substantiates
author and audience
bracing against oblivion.

You echo on for
you brightened one man.