House Cleaning

House Cleaning


Elizabeth Thomas


Eng. 101 – Stanford

Oct. 10, 1979


Regardless of whether a woman spends her day in the home or at a job, there are some tasks she must do that are inevitable.  One of these jobs is housecleaning.  This can be a simple process if a few basic steps are followed.  With some experience this job will become less and less of a pain to the housewife.

The first thing she must do is to get all the cleaning supplies she will need and to put them in a small bucket.  This way she can carry it from room to room eliminating wasted time spent running back and forth to the supply closet.

The next step is to decide in what order that she wants to clean the rooms.  There is no way to state a definite order for each household, but it must be decided with consideration to the family’s living situation.

The actual cleaning begins with the third step.  In this step the housewife starts in one corner of the room she chooses.  She picks up everything that is out of its right place and if the object belongs in that room she puts it where it belongs.  If the object is to be thrown away she should start a pile on the floor for all trash.  A second pile can be formed for things that belong in another room of the house.  This system should be followed as she works her way around the room.

The following step can be combined with the previous one, or it can be done separately.  This step is to dust the furniture and sideboards with a soft cloth that is sprayed with a furniture cleaner.  Also involved in this step is the cleaning of all glass doors in the furniture.  This is done with a clean lint-free cloth and with a glass cleaner.

After all the steps up to this point are done, the next thing to do is to get rid of the two piles she has made.  The housewife should throw away the trash and put up the things that do not belong in that room.  With these piles out of the way, she is ready to vacuum the floor using a vacuum of her choice.  After this the housewife is ready to move to another room and repeat the steps there.  Of course, this whole process will vary from household to household.  By the way, this plan works for males in the household too.